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Certificates to continue in force till 25th March after issue, notwithstanding any fresh registry of the copartnership.

17. Every certificate which hath been or shall at any time hereafter be taken
out by any such last-mentioned society or copartnership as aforesaid shall
continue in force, for the issuing of such bills and notes as aforesaid at the
town or place or the several towns or places therein named, until the
twenty-fifth day of March next following the date of such certificate
notwithstanding any fresh entry or registry of the name or firm of such
society or copartnership; and if any fresh entry or registry shall be made
from any cause whatever, after any such society or copartnership shall have
taken out four such distinct certificates as aforesaid, such society or
copartnership shall not be required to take out any further certificate, in
respect of any town or place not included in any of such four certificates,
until the twenty-fourth day of March next following such fresh entry or

S.18 rep. by SLR 1873

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