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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BANKRUPTCY (IRELAND) AMENDMENT ACT 1872

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Proof for premiums upon policies of insurance.

47. If any bankrupt, at the time of adjudication, or any arranging debtor, at
the time of the presentation of his petition, be liable, by reason of any
contract or promise, to pay premiums on any policy of insurance, or any other
sums of money, whether yearly or otherwise, or to repay to or indemnify any
person against any such payments, the person entitled to the benefit of such
contract or promise may, if he think fit, apply to the Court to set a value
upon his interest under such contract or promise, and the Court is hereby
required to ascertain the value thereof, and to admit such person to prove the
amount so ascertained, and to receive dividends thereon.]

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