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Northern Irish Legislation

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On neglect to prosecute any summons, justices may authorize some other person to proceed.

10. In case any person who shall have laid any complaint or information in
respect of any offence against this Act shall not appear at the time at which
the defendant may have been summoned to appear, or at any time to which the
hearing of the summons may have been adjourned, or, in the opinion of any
justices having authority to adjudicate with respect to the offence charged in
such information or complaint as aforesaid, shall otherwise have neglected to
proceed upon or prosecute such information or complaint with due diligence, it
shall be lawful for such justices to authorize any other person to proceed on
such summons instead of the person to whom the same may have been granted, or,
if such justices think fit, to dismiss the summons already granted, and
authorize any person to take out a fresh summons in respect of the offence
charged in such information or complaint, in like manner as if the previous
summons had not been granted.

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