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Northern Irish Legislation

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Mode of enforcing penalties.

29. All pecuniary penalties under this Act may be sued or prosecuted for and
recovered for the use of Her Majesty, in the name of Her Majesty's attorney
general... in Ireland, or of the solicitor of stamps in Ireland, or of any
person authorized to sue or prosecute for the same by writing under the hands
of the commissioners of stamps and taxes, or in the name of any officer of
stamp duties, by action of debt, bill, plaint, or information, in the [High
Court of Justice in Northern Ireland], or by civil bill in the court of the
recorder, chairman, or assistant barrister within whose local jurisdiction any
offence shall have been committed, in respect of any such penalty, or, in
respect of any penalty not exceeding twenty pounds, by information or
complaint before one or more justice or justices of the peace in Ireland, in
such and the same manner as any other penalties imposed by any of the laws now
in force relating to the duties under the management of the commissioners of
stamps; and it shall be lawful in all cases for the commissioners of stamps
and taxes, either before or after any proceedings commenced for recovery of
any such penalty, to mitigate or compound any such penalty, as the said
commissioners shall think fit, and to stay any such proceedings after the same
shall have been commenced and whether judgment may have been obtained for such
penalty or not, on payment of part only of any such penalty, with or without
costs, or on payment only of the costs incurred in such proceedings, or of any
part thereof, or on such other terms as such commissioners shall judge
reasonable: Provided always, that all pecuniary penalties imposed by or
incurred under this Act, by whom or in whose name soever the same shall be
sued or prosecuted for or recovered, shall go and be applied to the use of Her
Majesty, and shall be deemed to be and shall be accounted for as part of Her
Majesty's revenue arising from stamp duties, any thing in any Act contained,
or any law or usage, to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding....

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