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Northern Irish Legislation

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Penalty on persons, other than bankers hereby authorized, issuing notes payable on demand for less than #5.

26. If any body politic or corporate or any person or persons shall from and
after the said first day of January one thousand eight hundred and forty-six
make, sign, issue, or re-issue in Ireland any promissory note payable on
demand to the bearer thereof for any sum of money less than the sum of five
pounds, except the bank notes of such bankers as are hereby authorized to
continue to issue bank notes as aforesaid, then and in either of such cases
every such body politic or corporate or person or persons so making, signing,
issuing, or re-issuing any such promissory note as aforesaid, except as
aforesaid, shall for every such note so made, signed, issued, or re-issued
forfeit the sum of twenty pounds.

S.27 rep. by 1864 c.20 s.1

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