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Northern Irish Legislation

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What shall be taken in the account of coin held by any banker, in respect of which notes may be issued.

20. In taking account of the coin held by any banker in Ireland with respect
to which bank notes to a further extent than the sum certified as aforesaid by
the commissioners of stamps and taxes may, under the provisions of this Act,
be made and issued, there shall be included only the gold and silver coin held
by such banker at the several head offices or principal places of issue in
Ireland of such banker, such head offices or principal places of issue not
exceeding four in number, of which not more than two shall be situated in the
same province; and every banker shall give notice in writing to the said
commissioners, on or before the sixth day of December next, of such head
offices or principal places of issue at which the account of gold and silver
coin held by him is to be taken as aforesaid; and no amount of silver coin
exceeding one fourth part of the gold coin held by such banker as aforesaid
shall be taken into account, nor shall any banker be authorized to make and
issue bank notes in Ireland on any amount of silver coin held by such banker
exceeding the proportion of one fourth part of the gold coin held by such
banker as aforesaid.

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