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Northern Irish Legislation

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Mode of ascertaining the average amount of bank notes of each banker in circulation, and coin held, during each period of four weeks after 6th December 1845.

19. For the purpose of ascertaining the monthly average amount of bank notes
of each banker in circulation, the aggregate of the amount of bank notes of
each such banker in circulation at the close of the business on the Saturday
in each week during the first complete period of four weeks next after the
sixth day of December one thousand eight hundred and forty-five shall be
divided by the number of weeks, and the average so ascertained shall be deemed
to be the average of bank notes of each such banker in circulation during such
period of four weeks, and so in each successive period of four weeks; and the
monthly average amount of gold and silver coin respectively held as aforesaid
by such banker shall be ascertained in like manner from the amount of gold and
silver coin held by such banker at the head offices or principal places of
issue of such banker in Ireland, as after mentioned, at the close of business
on such day in each week; and the monthly average amount of bank notes of each
such banker in circulation during any such period of four weeks is not to
exceed a sum made up by adding the amount certified by the commissioners of
stamps and taxes as aforesaid and the monthly average amount of gold and
silver coin held by such banker as aforesaid during the same period.

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