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Northern Irish Legislation

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Commissioners of stamps to make monthly returns in form in schedule (B).

18. From the returns so made by each banker to the commissioners of stamps and
taxes the said commissioners shall, at the end of the first period of four
weeks after the said sixth day of December one thousand eight hundred and
forty-five, and so at the end of each successive period of four weeks, make
out a general return in the form to this Act annexed marked (B) of the monthly
average amount of bank notes in circulation of each banker in Ireland during
the last preceding four weeks, and of the average amount of all the gold and
silver coin held by such banker during the same period, and certifying, under
the hand of any officer of the said commissioners duly authorized for that
purpose, in the case of each such banker, whether such banker has held the
amount of coin required by law during the period to which the said return
shall apply, and shall publish the same in the next succeeding [Belfast
Gazette] in which the same can be conveniently inserted.

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