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Northern Irish Legislation

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Issuing banks to render accounts weekly of notes in circulation, and of coin held;

16. Every banker who after the sixth day of December one thousand eight
hundred and forty-five shall issue bank notes in Ireland shall, on some one
day in every week (such day to be fixed by the commissioners of stamps and
taxes,) transmit to the said commissioners a just and true account of the
amount of bank notes of such banker in circulation at the close of the
business on the next preceding Saturday, distinguishing the notes of five
pounds and upwards, and the notes below five pounds, and also an account of
the total amount of gold and silver coin held by such banker at each of the
head offices or principal places of issue in Ireland of such banker at the
close of business on each day of the week ending on that Saturday, and also an
account of the total amount of gold and silver coin in Ireland held by such
banker at the close of business on that day; and on completing the first
period of four weeks, and so on completing each successive period of four
weeks, every such banker shall annex to such account the average amount of
bank notes of such banker in circulation during the said four weeks,
distinguishing the bank notes of five pounds and upwards, and the notes below
five pounds, and the average amount of gold and silver coin respectively held
by such banker at each of the head offices or principal places of issue in
Ireland of such banker during the said four weeks, and also the amount of bank
notes which such banker is, by the certificate published as aforesaid,
authorized to issue under the provisions of this Act; and every such account
shall be verified by the signature of such banker or his chief cashier, or in
the case of a company or partnership by the signature of the chief cashier or
other officer duly authorized by the directors of such company or partnership,
and shall be made in the form to this Act annexed marked (A); and if any such
banker shall neglect or refuse to render any such account in the form and at
the time required by this Act, or shall at any time render a false account,
such banker shall forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds for every such

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