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Northern Irish Legislation


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Seizure and detention of consignments.

8.(1) A member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary, or an authorised officer,
shall have power to seize and detain in custody any consignment of meat which
is being sent, or which he has reason to suspect is being sent, [out of
Northern Ireland]... in contravention of any provision of this Act or
regulations made thereunder, or in breach of any condition of a licence or
permit granted under this Act.

(2) Where any person detains any meat in his custody under this section, he
shall, as soon as conveniently may be, take such steps as may be proper to
have the person believed to be guilty of the offence committed, or believed to
have been committed, in relation to such meat dealt with according to law.

(3) Where any person detains any meat in his custody under this section and
the meat becomes or is likely to become unfit for human consumption before the
matter can be conveniently dealt with by any court, such person shall produce
the meat to a justice of the peace who, if he is of opinion that the meat
ought to be destroyed or otherwise disposed of, shall give to the person
producing the meat a certificate in writing describing the same and
authorising such person to destroy or otherwise dispose of the meat and such
certificate shall be conclusive evidence in every court of such matters of
fact as are stated therein.

(4) A person given a certificate under sub-section (3) shall destroy or
otherwise dispose of the meat as authorised by the certificate and where the
certificate authorises a sale of the meat shall, subject to sub-section (5),
pay the proceeds, less any expenses incurred by the Ministry or a member of
the Royal Ulster Constabulary in connection with the seizure, detention or
sale, to the consignor.

(5) Where an offence in connection with meat seized and detained under this
section has been proved to have been committed, the meat or, where the meat
has been sold under sub-section (4), the proceeds of its sale shall be
disposed of or dealt with in such manner as the Ministry may direct.

(6) Subject to sub-section (5), where a person in respect of whose alleged
offence meat has been seized and detained under this section has been dealt
with according to law, the meat seized and detained shall, if not destroyed or
otherwise disposed of under sub-section (4), be released and delivered to the
consignor at the place of detention or, if the consignor fails to take
delivery at such place, shall be sold and the proceeds, less any expenses
incurred by the Ministry or a member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary in
connection with such seizure, detention or sale, shall be paid to the

(7) Where any meat has been detained, destroyed or otherwise disposed of under
this section, and the Ministry is satisfied that the person detaining,
destroying or disposing of the same had no reasonable grounds for believing
that an offence under this Act was committed in relation to such meat, and no
such offence has been proved to have been committed, then the Ministry shall
pay such compensation to the consignor, for loss or damage sustained by him by
reason of the detention, destruction or disposal of such meat, as the Ministry
may think just.

(8) A person aggrieved by the refusal of the Ministry to pay compensation, or
by the amount of compensation offered by the Ministry, under sub-section (7)
may appeal to the county court and that court may make an order for the
payment by the Ministry of such compensation as the court thinks just and the
Ministry shall comply with the terms of any such order.

(9) This section shall apply to dead rabbits in like manner as it applies to

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