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Northern Irish Legislation

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Costs of unreasonable prosecution.

8. Whenever any complaint is preferred against any person under this Act, and
the court upon the hearing thereof determines that it is not bona fide made
upon reasonable and probable cause, it shall be lawful for the court in its
discretion to direct and order that the prosecutor or other person by whom or
at whose instance such complaint has been preferred shall pay unto the accused
person the just and reasonable costs, charges, and expenses, to be settled by
the court, of such accused person and his witnesses, occasioned by or
consequent upon the preferring of such complaint; and upon non-payment of such
costs, charges, and expenses within fourteen days after the date of such
direction and order, it shall be lawful for the court to enforce payment of
the same in the same manner as if such costs were a penalty incurred by the
person liable to pay the same.

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