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Intent to defraud particular person need not be alleged.

5. In any proceeding for any offence against this Act, it shall be sufficient
to allege that the party accused did the act charged with intent to defraud or
to enable some other person to defraud, without alleging an intent to defraud
any particular person or an intent to enable any particular person to defraud
any particular person; and on the trial of any such offence it shall not be
necessary to prove an intent to defraud any particular person or an intent to
enable any particular person to defraud any particular person, but it shall be
sufficient to prove that the party accused did the act charged with an intent
to defraud or with intent to enable some other person to defraud, or with the
intent that any other person might be enabled to defraud.

S.6 rep. by SLR (NI) 1954

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