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Petition for winding up of railway company may be presented under 1862 c.89 and 1867 c.131.

4. Where a warrant has been granted under the principal Acts for the
abandonment of the whole railway of any railway company, a petition for
winding up the affairs of such company may be presented under the Companies
Acts, 1862 and 1867, by the company, or by any person who under the
last-mentioned Acts is authorized to present a petition for winding up a
company, or by any person upon whose application the Board of Trade may
proceed in pursuance of ... the Railway Companies Act, 1867, ... and for that
purpose the railway company whose railway is so authorized to be abandoned
shall be deemed to be an unregistered company which may be wound up under the
Companies Acts, 1862 and 1867, and the provisions of the principal Acts which
remain in force relating to winding up shall be construed as if the Companies
Acts, 1862 and 1867, and the winding up provided by this section, were therein
referred to.

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