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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> ABANDONMENT OF RAILWAYS ACT 1850

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Recited sections to extend to all fee-farm rents and to other rents under grants in fee or for life or for years, save as herein excepted.

1. All the powers, remedies, provisions, and enactments referred to and
contained in the said herein-before mentioned sections of the said recited Act
shall henceforth extend and be applicable to all fee-farm rents, and also to
other rents reserved and payable under any grants, conveyances, or written
instruments granting or containing agreements for granting any lands,
tenements, or hereditaments in fee simple, or for a life or lives, or for
years, or for a life or lives and a term of years, or for a life or lives
concurrent with a term of years, and reserving or purporting to reserve
thereout rent payable to the grantor or party agreeing to make such grant, or
to his or their respective representatives, where the person to whom such rent
is or shall be payable has or shall have no reversion in such land; save and
except that nothing in this Act contained shall give or confer or be deemed to
give or confer any remedy by ejectment for nonpayment of rent, in the case of
any fee-farm rent or rent reserved upon any grant or agreement for a grant in
fee (other than a fee-farm rent under the said recited Act); ....

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