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Northern Irish Legislation

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Scrutiny of number of shares held by the shareholders assenting and dissenting.

6. At the meeting so to be called as aforesaid the scrutineers to be appointed
as herein-after mentioned shall cast up the amount of shares held by
shareholders assenting to the making of such application, and the amount of
shares held by shareholders dissenting therefrom, whether such assent or
dissent have been signified by the shareholder sending to the secretary of the
company such form as aforesaid, signed by him, or by such shareholder
attending such meeting, and delivering in the same to the chairman thereof,
and such scrutineers shall report to the chairman the amount of shares of the
shareholders asssenting to such application, and the amount of the shares of
those dissenting therefrom, and the said chairman shall thereupon publicly
announce to the meeting the said amounts respectively, and shall state whether
or not the holders of three fifths of the whole of such shares represented in
manner aforesaid at the meeting consent to such application: Provided always,
that in computing the amount of shares of the shareholders assenting or
dissenting as aforesaid no share shall be taken into account the holder
whereof shall not have been duly registered, or who shall not have paid all
the calls then due by him upon all the shares held by him, unless such calls
shall have been made within three months prior to the holding of such meeting,
or, if such meeting be held pursuant to a requisition of shareholders as
herein-before provided, then three months prior to the day on which such
requisition was presented to the directors.

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