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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> ABANDONMENT OF RAILWAYS ACT 1850

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Lands purchased by the railway company to be sold as superfluous lands.

27. All the lands acquired by such company for the purposes of the railway or
part of railway so authorized to be abandoned shall be sold by such company
within the time limited or prescribed for that purpose in the warrant
authorizing the abandonment of such railway, and if no time be therein
prescribed for that purpose, then within two years from the date of such
warrant, in the manner prescribed by the said Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts
with respect to the sale of superfluous lands; and for that purpose all the
clauses of the said last-mentioned Acts with respect to the lands acquired by
the promoters of the undertaking under the provisions of their special Act,
but which are not required for the purposes thereof, shall be deemed to be
incorporated with this Act: Provided always that the offer to be made by the
railway company, pursuant to the said Acts, to sell such lands to the person
entitled to the lands from which the same were severed, shall be made at a
price or sum not greater than the price or sum at which such lands were
purchased by such company.

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