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Northern Irish Legislation

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Amount of compensation to be settled by arbitration.

25. The amount of compensation so to be made in the several cases aforesaid
shall be determined, in case of difference, by arbitration, in the manner
provided by the Railways Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, ... as the case may
require, and for that purpose all the clauses of the said Railways Clauses
Consolidation Acts with respect to the settlement of disputes by arbitration
shall be deemed to be incorporated with this Act: Provided always, that no
such railway company shall be liable to make any compensation in respect of
damage alleged to have been sustained by reason of the abandonment of the
railway or part of the railway, or the non-completion of any contract of such
company in any of the cases aforesaid, unless the claim for such compensation
shall have been made within six months after the publication in the Gazette of
the notice of the warrant for such abandonment, as herein-before provided.

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