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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> ABANDONMENT OF RAILWAYS ACT 1850

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Where contracts have been entered into or notices given, compensation to be made for non-completion.

20. Provided always, that in every case in which before the granting of any
such warrant any notice hath been given or contract entered into by or on
behalf of the company named therein for purchasing any lands which such
company were by the Acts relating thereto empowered to purchase for the
purpose of constructing the railway or portion of railway so authorized to be
abandoned, and from which contract such company would be relieved under the
provisions herein-before contained, or where any contract hath been entered
into for or concerning the constructing, maintaining, or working of the
railway or part of railway so authorized to be abandoned, or any other
contract relating thereto, which by reason of such abandonment cannot be
performed, the company shall make to the owners or occupiers of and other
parties interested in such lands, or being parties to such contracts as
aforesaid, compensation, to be determined by arbitration as herein-after
mentioned, for all injury or damage, if any, sustained by such owners,
occupiers, and other parties, by reason of such purchase not being completed
pursuant to such notice, or by reason of such contract not being performed.

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