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Northern Irish Legislation

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After the granting of warrant, the company to be released from liability to make the railway or part thereof authorized to be abandoned, &c.

19. After the granting of any such warrant, and the publication of such notice
thereof as aforesaid, the company shall (subject to the provisions
herein-after contained) be released from all liability to make, maintain, or
work the railway mentioned in such warrant, or the part thereof thereby
authorized to be abandoned, or to purchase any of the lands required for the
making thereof, or to complete the purchase of any such lands for the purchase
of which notice may have been given, or any contract entered into, by or on
behalf of the company, or to complete any contract for or concerning the
making, maintaining, or working of the railway so to be abandoned, or any
other contract relating to the railway or part of railway so authorized to be
abandoned, which by reason of such abandonment cannot be performed: Provided
always, that nothing in this Act contained shall extend to release the company
from any liability to complete the purchase of any land for the purchase of
which any contract may have been entered into by or on behalf of the company,
and which contract may have been in part performed, or by virtue or in
pursuance of which a specified sum or price as the consideration for the
purchase of lands thereby agreed to be sold to or taken by the company shall
have been fixed or ascertained previously to the passing of this Act
notwithstanding the time for the completion of the purchase named in such
contract shall have been subsequently extended by agreement or arrangement
with the company.

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