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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> ABANDONMENT OF RAILWAYS ACT 1850

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Notice of warrant of abandonment to be given, and persons having claims for compensation, &c. to be required to send them in.

17. Within one month after the day on which any such warrant as aforesaid is
granted by the said commissioners, the railway company to which the same
applies shall cause notice thereof to be inserted in the ... [Belfast
Gazette], ... and once in each of three successive weeks in some newspaper
published or circulating in each county in which any part of such abandoned
railway is situate, and to be affixed for three successive Sundays on the
principal outer door of the church or churches of every parish in which any
part of such railway is situate, and in Ireland such notice shall also be
affixed to the Roman Catholic chapel, and, where there shall be no such church
or chapel, on some public or conspicuous place of such parish; and every such
notice shall require all persons having any claims or demands upon the said
company for compensation or otherwise, by reason of the abandonment of railway
authorized by such warrant to transmit the statement of such claims or demands
to the secretary of such company, at the office or usual place of business of
the same company, within four months from the date of such warrant.

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