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Northern Irish Legislation

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Commissioners to have power to inspect the company's books and other documents, and to send an officer for local inspection.

14. For the purpose of ascertaining the state and condition of the company
making any such application, and of inquiring into the expediency of the
proposed abandonment of railway, and of determining the terms and conditions
on which the same may be authorized by them, it shall be lawful for the
Commissioners of Railways, by themselves or by any officer appointed and
specially empowered by them for that purpose, to inspect the books of
accounts, minutes of proceedings, or any other books, papers, or documents, in
the possession or control of such company, and also, if they see fit so to do,
to send, at the expense of such railway company, or at the expense of any
person who applies to them for that purpose, an officer, to be appointed by
them, to inspect the railway or proposed railway or work so proposed to be
abandoned, and to collect evidence on the spot relative to such abandonment;
and if any such company, or any of their officers or servants, shall refuse
such inspection by the said commissioners, or any officer appointed and
specially empowered by them for that purpose, or refuse or wilfully neglect to
produce to the said commissioners or any such officer, on demand, any books,
papers, or documents in the possession or control of such company, every such
company shall for every such refusal or neglect forfeit to Her Majesty the sum
of twenty pounds, and a further sum of five pounds for every day during which
such refusal or wilful neglect shall be continued.

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