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Northern Irish Legislation

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Commissioners of Railways, if they think that there are grounds for entertaining the application, shall direct the company to give notice of application having been made.

13. If it appear to the said commissioners that there are sufficient grounds
for entertaining such application, the said commissioners shall require and
direct the company making the same to give notice of such application having
been made, by advertisement, inserted, in a form to be approved of by the said
commissioners, once in the ...[Belfast Gazette], ... and once in each of three
successive weeks in some newspaper published or circulating in each county in
which any part proposed to be abandoned of such railway is situated, and
affixed for three successive Sundays on the principal outer door of the church
or churches of every parish in which any part of such railway, where the whole
is proposed to be abandoned, or in which any part proposed to be abandoned, is
situate, and in Ireland such notice shall also be affixed to the Roman
Catholic chapel, and, where there shall be no such church or chapel, on some
public or conspicuous place of such parish; and every such notice shall set
forth within what time and in what manner any person who thinks himself
aggrieved by any such proposed abandonment, and who desires to object thereto,
may bring such objection before the commissioners.

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