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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> ABANDONMENT OF RAILWAYS ACT 1850

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If meeting determine that application shall be made, or if commissioners certify, the directors not to proceed with works proposed to be abandoned until after, or otherwise than in accordance with, the decision of the commissioners.

12. If at any such meeting any railway company shall determine, as
herein-before mentioned, that such application as aforesaid shall be made, or
if the said commissioners shall certify as aforesaid their judgment that if
such meeting had been duly called, and the sense thereof duly taken the
consent of such meeting to the proposed application to the said commissioners
would have been given, then, as from the date of the resolution so come to at
such meeting, or the date of the said certificate, as the case may be, the
directors of such company shall not have power to proceed any further with the
making of the railway, or the part thereof so proposed to be abandoned, until
the decision of the Commissioners of Railways with respect to such application
be made, and then only in accordance with such decision.

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