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Ministry to be responsible, in place of county councils, for future provision and maintenance of courthouses.

2.(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, each council shall, in
consideration of

(a)the transfer to the Ministry of Home Affairs (in this Act referred to as
"the Ministry") of courthouses pursuant to the provisions of this Part of
this Act; and

(b)the payment into the Exchequer of the funds referred to in Part II of
this Act and the repeal of any enactment requiring any part of those funds to
be paid to any council;

(2) The Ministry shall have and may exercise all such powers as are necessary
for or incidental to the carrying out of its functions under this Part of
this Act or to enable it to discharge its responsibilities as aforesaid.

(3) Where it appears to the Ministry to be necessary or expedient for the
purpose of this Act that any land should be acquired, the Ministry may, with
the approval of the Ministry of Finance, acquire by agreement that land and
any easement or right in or over any land adjacent thereto.

(4) The Ministry, with the approval of the Ministry of Finance, may, in
whatsoever manner it may think fit, dispose of any premises which in the
opinion of the Ministry are no longer necessary for courthouse accommodation,
so, however, that where the Ministry so disposes of any premises before the
day falling ten years after the appointed day and does not provide or has not
provided other courthouse accommodation in lieu thereof the Ministry may pay
the proceeds of such disposal to the council in whom such premises were vested
immediately before the appointed day.

Ss.3, 4 spent

Supplementary provisions as to transfer of courthouses and courtrooms.

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