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Construction of references to heirs.

5.(1) The word "heir" or "heirs" used as a word of limitation in any
enactment, deed or instrument passed or executed either before or after the
commencement of this Act, shall have the same effect as if this Act had not

(2) The word "heir" or "heirs" used as a word of purchase in any enactment,
deed or instrument passed or executed after the commencement of this Act,
shall bear the same meaning as if this Act had not passed.

(3) The word "heir" or "heirs" used as a word of purchase in any enactment,
deed or instrument passed or executed after the commencement of this Act
shall, unless the contrary intention appears, be construed to mean the person
or persons, other than a creditor, who would be beneficially entitled under
Part II to the estate of the ancestor if the ancestor had died intestate.

(4) Subject as aforesaid, references in this Act and in any enactment, deed or
instrument passed or executed either before or after the commencement of
this Act to the heirs of any person, shall be construed as including
references to his personal representatives.

Rules for the distribution on intestacy.

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