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Power of Ministry to enter into agreements or covenants restricting use of land.

2.(1) Where any owner of land in any area which in the opinion of the Ministry

(a)is one of natural beauty or amenity; ...

Para.(b) rep. by 1972 NI 17 art.110(2) sch.7

(2) Where an owner entering into an agreement or covenant under subsection (1)
has power to make that agreement or covenant binding upon his successors in
title, and the agreement or covenant is expressed to be so binding, the
Ministry shall have power to enforce that agreement or covenant against such
successors in the like manner and to the like extent as if the Ministry were
possessed of or entitled to or interested in adjacent land and as if the
agreement or covenant had been expressed to be entered into for the benefit of
the adjacent land.

(3) The Ministry may waive (either permanently or temporarily) any condition
imposed by an agreement or covenant made under subsection (1) which is
inconsistent with any provision of a [development plan or development order
under the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1972].

(4) An agreement or covenant made under subsection (1) or any waiver relating
thereto shall be registered in the Statutory Charges Register ....[

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