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Northern Irish Legislation

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Improper agreements may be set aside.

9. Upon any such motion or petition as aforesaid, if it shall appear to the
court or judge that such agreement is in all respects fair and reasonable
between the parties, the same may be enforced by such court or judge by rule
or order in such manner and subject to such conditions, if any, as to the
costs of such motion or petition as such court or judge may think fit; but if
the terms of such agreement shall not be deemed by the court or judge to be
fair and reasonable, the same may be declared void, and the court or judge
shall thereupon have power to order such agreement to be given up to be
cancelled, and may direct the costs, fees, charges, and disbursements incurred
or chargeable in respect of the matters included therein to be taxed in the
same manner and according to the same rules as if such agreement had not been
made; and the court or judge may also make such order as to the costs of and
relating to such motion or petition, and the proceedings thereon, as to the
said court or judge may seem fit.

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