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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> ATTORNEYS' AND SOLICITORS' ACT 1870

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Examination and enforcement of agreements.

8. No action or suit shall be brought or instituted upon any such agreement;
but every question respecting the validity or effect of any such agreement may
be examined and determined and the agreement may be enforced or set aside,
without suit or action, on motion or petition of any person, or the
representative of any person, a party to such agreement, or being or alleged
to be liable to pay, or being or claiming to be entitled to be paid, the
costs, fees, charges, or disbursements in respect of which the agreement is
made by the court in which the business, or any part thereof, was done, or a
judge thereof, or if the business was not done in any court, then where the
amount payable under the agreement exceeds [#2,000], by any superior court of
law or equity or a judge thereof, and where such amount does not exceed
[#2,000], by the judge of a county court which would have jurisdiction in an
action upon the agreement.

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