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Extension of objects of Holding Company to cover aerodromes etc.

16.(1) The objects of the Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company (in this
section called "the Holding Company") established under Part V of the
Transport Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 are hereby extended so as to include the
acquiring, holding and managing of properties for aerodrome purposes and the
provision, maintenance and management of services and facilities for use in
connection therewith and, accordingly,

(a)the functions of the Holding Company shall be exercisable in relation to
any such property as if that property had been vested in the Company under
section 68 of the said Act of 1967;

(b)the Holding Company may form, promote and assist companies (including
subsidiary companies) for the purposes of any of its objects as extended by
this section; and

(c)references in the said Act of 1967 to the objects, duties, powers,
functions, requirements or activities of the Holding Company shall be
construed so as to take account of the extension of the objects of the Company
effected by this section.

Subs.(2) repeals 1970 c.14(NI)

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