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Grants towards cost of soundproofing dwellings.

13.(1) If it appears to the Ministry that dwellings near an aerodrome require
further protection from noise and vibration attributable to use of the
aerodrome than can be given by measures taken or to be taken in pursuance of
section 12 the Ministry may by order make a scheme requiring the aerodrome
undertaking to make grants towards the cost of insulating those dwellings or
parts of those dwellings against noise.

(2) A scheme under this section shall specify the area or areas in which
dwellings must be situated for the grants to be payable, and the persons to
whom, the expenditure in respect of which and the rate at which the grants are
to be paid, and may make the payment of any grant dependent upon compliance
with such conditions as may be specified in the scheme.

(3) A scheme under this section may require the aerodrome undertaking, in any
case where an application for a grant is refused, to give the applicant at his
request a written statement of its reasons for the refusal.

(4) Before making a scheme under this section the Ministry shall consult the
aerodrome undertaking to which the scheme relates.

(5) An order made under this section shall be subject to negative resolution.

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