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45.(1) Without prejudice to section 21 of the Interpretation Act (Northern
Ireland) 1954

(a)rules of court may provide

(i)for the hearing otherwise than in open court of any application or
proceedings to which the rules relate;

(ii)for the transfer to the county court of any application which the court,
having regard to any special circumstances, thinks proper to be dealt with by
the county court;

(b)county court rules may provide

(i)for the hearing otherwise than in open court of any applications and
proceedings to which the rules relate;

(ii)for the refusal of any application which the court, having regard to any
special circumstances, thinks proper to be dealt with by the High Court;

<(iii)for the transfer to the Lord Chief Justice of any application made under section 38 which the court, having regard to any special circumstances, thinks proper to be dealt with by the Lord Chief Justice.

(2) The Lord Chief Justice may make rules with respect to any matter (not
being a matter to be prescribed by Adoption Rules or by regulations) with
respect to which it appears to him to be necessary or expedient to make rules
for giving due effect to the provisions of this Act.

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