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General financial provisions.

41.(1) The Ministry may from time to time appoint or designate officers or
other persons to inspect and report to the Ministry concerning any
institution, premises or other place whatsoever, wherein any infant is for the
time being kept in respect of whom

(a)a notice of intention to adopt has been given under section 3 and an
adoption order has not been made; or

(b)an interim order under section 8 is in force.

(2) An officer or person so appointed or designated by the Ministry (on
production if so required of his authority) may

(a)enter any institution, premises or place which by virtue of subsection (1)
he is authorised or required to inspect; and

(b)require the person having for the time being control or management of any
place to be inspected to furnish such information as the officer or person so
appointed or designated may reasonably require.

(3) The Ministry may pay to any officer or other person appointed or
designated as aforesaid such sum by way of salary or fees and such sum for
out-of-pocket expenses as with the approval of the Ministry of Finance may be
determined by the Ministry.

S.42 rep. by 1972 NI 14 art.109(3) sch.18

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