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Northern Irish Legislation

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Restriction on advertisements.

37.(1) Except under the authority of an order under section 38, no person
shall take or send an infant who is a British subject out of Northern Ireland
to any place outside the British Islands with a view to the adoption of the
infant (whether in law or in fact) by any person not being a parent or
guardian or a relative of the infant.

(2) Any person who takes or sends an infant out of Northern Ireland to any
place in contravention of subsection (1), or makes or takes part in any
arrangements for transferring the care and possession of an infant to any
person for that purpose, shall be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding one hundred
pounds or to both.

(3) In any proceedings under this section, a report by a British consular
officer or a deposition made before a British consular officer and
authenticated under the signature of that officer shall, upon proof that the
officer or the deponent cannot be found in the United Kingdom, be admissible
as evidence of the matters stated therein, and it shall not be necessary to
prove the signature or official capacity of the person who appears to have
signed any such report or deposition.

(4) In this section "the British Islands" means the United Kingdom, the
Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.

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