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1950 c.6

31.(1) Where the Ministry proposes to refuse an application for registration
made to it by or on behalf of an adoption society or to cancel the
registration of an adoption society

(a)the Ministry shall give to the society not less than one month's notice in
writing of its intention so to do; and

(b)every such notice shall state the grounds on which the Ministry intends to
refuse the application or to cancel the registration, as the case may be, and
shall contain an intimation that, if within one month after the receipt of the
notice, the society informs the Ministry in writing that it desires so to do,
the Ministry shall, before refusing the application or cancelling the
registration, as the case may be, give to the society an opportunity of
causing representations to be made to the Ministry by or on behalf of the

(2) If the Ministry, after giving to the society an opportunity of causing
such representations as aforesaid to be made, decides to refuse the
application for registration or to cancel the registration, as the case may
be, it shall give to the society notice in writing of its decision.

(3) Any adoption society aggrieved by the refusal of an application for
registration, or by the cancellation of its registration, by the Ministry, may
appeal to an Appeal Tribunal constituted under [section 128] of the Children
and Young Persons Act (Northern Ireland) [1968], and that Tribunal shall have
power to determine any such appeal; and any such determination shall be final
and conclusive.

(4) Where the registration of an adoption society is cancelled by the
Ministry, the adoption society shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed
to be registered under this Act during the period within which an appeal
against the cancellation may be brought under this section, and, if such an
appeal is brought, until the determination or abandonment of the appeal.

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