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Northern Irish Legislation

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23.(1) The Registrar General for Northern Ireland (in this Part referred to as
"the Registrar General" shall

(a)maintain at the General Register Office a register to be called the Adopted
Children Register, in which shall be made such entries as may be directed to
be made therein by adoption orders, but no other entries;

(b)cause an index of the Adopted Children Register to be made and kept in the
General Register Office; and

(c)keep such other registers and books, and make such entries therein, as may
be necessary to record and make traceable the connection between any entry in
the Register of Births which has been marked "Adopted" pursuant to the next
following section or any enactment at the time in force, and any corresponding
entry in the Adopted Children Register.

(2) Every person shall be entitled to search the index mentioned in subsection
(1)(b) and to have a certified copy of any entry in the Adopted Children
Register in all respects upon and subject to the same terms, conditions and
regulations as to payment of fees and otherwise as are applicable in Northern
Ireland under the Births and Deaths Registration Act (Northern Ireland) 1967
in respect of searches in other indexes kept in the General Register Office
and in respect of the supply from such Office of certified copies of entries
in the ... Registers of Births and Deaths.

(3) The registers and books kept under subsection (1)(c) shall not be, nor
shall any index thereof be, open to public inspection or search, and
the Registrar General shall not furnish any person with any information
contained in or with any copy or extract from any such registers or books
except under an order of any of the following courts, that is to say

(a)the High Court;

(b)the court by which an adoption order was made in respect of the person to
whom the information, copy or extract relates; and

(c)any county court as may be prescribed.

(4) A certified copy of any entry in the Adopted Children Register, if
purporting to be sealed or stamped with the seal of the General Register
Office, shall

(a)without any further or other proof of that entry, be received as evidence
of the adoption to which it relates; and

(b)where the entry contains a record of the date of the birth or the country
or the district of the Superintendent Registrar and Registrar of Births and
Deaths of the birth of the adopted person, shall also be received as aforesaid
as evidence of that date or country or district of that Superintendent
Registrar or Registrar in all respects as if the copy were a certified copy of
an entry in the Register of Births.

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