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Provisions supplementary to s.18.

20.(1) Any provision (however expressed) in any enactment passed before the
commencement of this Act under which a person adopted in pursuance of an
adoption order is for any purpose treated as the child of the adopter, or any
other relationship is deduced by reference to such an order, shall have effect
as respects anything done or any event occurring after the commencement of
this Act

(a)if it extends only to adoptions in pursuance of orders made in the United
Kingdom, as extending also to adoptions in pursuance of orders made, whether
before or after the commencement of this Act, in the Isle of Man or in any of
the Channel Islands;

(b)if it extends only to adoptions in pursuance of orders made in Northern
Ireland, as extending also to adoptions in pursuance of orders made, whether
before or after the commencement of this Act, elsewhere in the United Kingdom
or in the Isle of Man or in any of the Channel Islands.

(2) In this section "enactment" has the meaning assigned to it by section 1(b)
of the Interpretation Act (Northern Ireland) 1954.

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