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1950 c.6

17.(1) Where an adoption order is made in respect of an infant who is
illegitimate, then, unless the adopter is his mother and the mother is a
single woman

(a)any affiliation order in force with respect to the infant; and

(b)any agreement whereby the father of the infant has undertaken to make
payments specifically for the benefit of the infant;

(2) Subsection (1) shall be without prejudice to the recovery of any arrears
which are due under an affiliation order or an agreement mentioned in
subsection (1)(b) at the date of the adoption order.

(3) After an adoption order has been made in respect of an infant who is
illegitimate, no affiliation order shall be made after the commencement of
this Act with respect to the infant unless the adoption order was made on the
application of the mother of the infant alone.

(4) Where an adoption order is made in respect of an infant committed to the
care of a fit person by an order in force under the Children and Young Persons
Act (Northern Ireland) [1968], the last mentioned order shall cease to have

(5) Where an adoption order is made in respect of an infant in respect of whom
a parental rights order is in force under [section 104] of the Children and
Young Persons Act (Northern Ireland) [1968] (which empowers a welfare
authority to apply for a parental rights order) the last mentioned order shall
cease to have effect.

(6) Any reference in this section to an adoption order includes a reference to

(a)an order authorising an adoption made under the Adoption Act 1958 or any
enactment of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for the time being in force;

(b)an order authorising an adoption made after the commencement of this Act in
the Isle of Man or in any of the Channel Islands.

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