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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> ALLOTMENTS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1932

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Power of local authority to assist associations in provision of allotments.

7.(1) The local authority may make grants or loans for the purpose of
assisting any approved association to provide allotments for persons qualified
to be tenants of allotments under this Act. Any expenses incurred by the local
authority for the said purpose shall be defrayed as expenses incurred by them
in carrying the provisions of this Act into effect.

(2) The local authority may, with the approval of the Ministry of Home
Affairs, let to an approved association [any land acquired or taken on lease]
or authorised to be used by the local authority for the purpose of providing
allotments under this Act, but so that the approved association shall not use
such land except in order to provide allotments in accordance with this Act
for persons qualified thereunder to be tenants of such allotments.

(3) In this section the expression "approved association" means any
association of persons (not trading for profit) approved by the Ministry of
Home Affairs, and being an association whose objects include the provision of
allotments for persons qualified to be tenants of allotments under this Act.

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