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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> ALLOTMENTS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1932

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Conditions applying to tenants of allotments.

3.(1) Every tenant who

(a)within three weeks after an allotment has been allocated to him has not
made such progress in the cultivation of the allotment as the local authority
consider reasonable; or

(b)has not properly cultivated his allotment within such period as the local
authority consider reasonable; or

(c)disobeys any provisions of this Act or of the prescribed regulations
applying to his allotment; or

(d)has failed to pay the rent of his allotment for a period of four
consecutive weeks;

Provided that an allotment shall not be forfeited under this section except
after one week's previous notice sent by post to, or delivered at, the usual
or last known address of the tenant, to the effect that the allotment will be
forfeited for the reasons specified in such notice.

(2) A tenant who has forfeited an allotment under this section shall, after
such forfeiture, be disqualified from obtaining an allotment under the
provisions of this Act:

Provided that this sub-section shall be deemed not to apply in any case where
amends for the default causing the said forfeiture have been made to the
satisfaction of the local authority.

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