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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> ALLOTMENTS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1932

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Provisions as to letting of allotments.

2.(1) [Any land acquired or taken on lease] or authorised to be used, for the
purpose of providing allotments shall, subject to the provisions of this Act,
be let by the local authority in accordance with the following conditions:

(a)No allotment shall exceed one-eighth of an acre, statute measure, in

(b)No person shall become the tenant of more than one allotment under
this Act, nor shall any allotment be let to a person who is apart from the
provisions of this Act in occupation of land to the extent of one-eighth of an
acre, statute measure, or to any greater extent;

(c)In the selection of tenants the local authority shall, as between tenants
who are otherwise equally suitable, give preference to applicants who, by
reason of unemployment or the number of persons depending upon them, or for
other reasons, are in poor circumstances;

(d)The allotments shall be allocated by lot amongst the applicants selected by
the local authority;

(e)a person shall not, except with the consent in writing of the local
authority, assign, sub-let or part with the possession of an allotment.

(2) The allotments, except where on the application of the local authority the
Ministry of Home Affairs otherwise directs, shall be let at rents of such
amounts as may reasonably be expected to defray the expenses of the local
authority in connection with the allotments.

(3) Every tenant shall be required to enter into an agreement in the
prescribed form, undertaking to cultivate his allotment in accordance with the
prescribed regulations, and pay in advance, by weekly or other instalments,
the rent fixed by the local authority in respect of his allotment.

(4) If at any time an allotment cannot be let in accordance with the foregoing
provisions of this Act, the same may be let to any person whomsoever at the
best annual rent which can be obtained for the same, without any premium or
fine, and on such terms as may enable possession thereof to be resumed within
a period not exceeding twelve months, should the allotment at any time be
required to be let in accordance with the said provisions.

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